Remove commercials from Playon Cloud recordings

Couple of things:

  1. Commercials were found:

2018-04-03T21:08:05 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip → Commercials were found.
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Commercial Scan: Percentage Complete 99
INFORMATION> 2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Skipping EDLP, using EDL file for commercial removal
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Testing EDL File Validity
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Reading EDL file found entry at beginning to file Start:20.28 Stop:0
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Reading EDL file adding cut Start:20.28 Stop:1703.24
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Reading EDL file adding cut Start:1869.04 Stop:2229.32
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Reading EDL file adding cut Start:2344.88 Stop:3109.56
2018-04-03T21:08:07 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Skipping end cut, too small Start:3118.76 Stop:3119.53

  1. You’re on 2.3.13 - we don’t support the free version, there have been over a 500 new features and bug fixes since. I would suggest purchase the premium version and if you’re still facing issues please post back.