No Longer Monitoring Network Location

I’ve had the same NAS mapping since I starting using MCEBuddy. Nothing has changed then, suddenly, starting about a day back, it’s no longer identifying file that show up in the monitored network folder folder. I have confirmed all the credentials are correct and even, deleted and re entered the paths, and restarted all the hardware several times with no luck.

I also reset the show history and made new tests file in case that was an issue. Still nothing

I also created “test” locations on the local machine and some attached drives, those work just fine.

I can access the NAS with any issues and MCEBuddy can write converted, local, files to a destination folder without any problem. I can also manually drag the file from the NAS and the convert and and are written to the correct NAS location.

Does anyone have any insight as to what might be causing this? Thanks!

You can open mcebuddy.log and search for the test filenames and see what’s going on. It could be a filter mismatch or a connection issue.

Thanks… It finally file detection resumed after I deleted the folder and re-made them.

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Looks like I spoke too soon… The problem is back, with some modifications. Now it’s just not converting random file on my NAS. Some it sees and converts automatically, others just sit there.Of those that aren’t seen/converted some I can manually drag/add others I can try to add but they don’t show up.

Additionally, when I do add the files for conversion manually, after a short while, it stops and I get the message “The MCEBuddy services is unavailable…” I can restart and sometimes it resumes, but then quickly goes unavailable again.

I’ve attached some logs for manually added show what it’s been stalling out on.

Love After Lockup (2018) - S02E10 - Wife on the Run.ts-MP4 Normal Drobo-2019-05-18T13-31-27.7525411-04-00.log (473.4 KB)

Love After Lockup (2018) - S02E10 - Wife on the Run.ts-MP4 Normal Drobo-2019-05-18T13-44-24.6548364-04-00.log (12.1 KB)

You hard disk is corrupted and has bad sectors. When MCEBuddy tries to access files on the corrupted sector window panics and terminates the service.

From the logs, either your temp folder disk is corrupted or your source files disk is corrupted. Try changing, one by one, the temp folder to a different disk and/or the source files to different disk till you find which one is causing the issue.

This is a well documented issue in the common issues FAQ page and across the forum.