No limit, I just tested 10 levels of nested sub directories and it’s working. Most likely the directory paths’ may be too long or the security permissions are preventing the engine from traversing it. If you open your mcebuddy.log file and search for your directory name you’ll see what’s going on.
ERROR> 2020-12-12T21:48:36 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Unable to search for files in location E:\ServerFolders\Videos\TV Shows\Recorded for monitor task Plex Recorded TV ERROR : The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.
I don’t believe I can create fully qualified file names longer than 256 characters on NTFS.
As for permissions, I believe MCEBuddy is pretty much running with admin rights currently.
I can point MCEBuddy at a “Title” subdirectory of the above directory in the Monitor Location script, such as:
“E:\ServerFolders\Videos\TV Shows\Recorded\American Experience (1988)”
…and MCEBuddy finds and converts all the files in the Season 01,02,03,etc. subdirectories.