I’m new to MCEBuddy and the forum so apologies for the ignorance in advance. I have one profile set up right now and I’m converting to normal mp4 and cutting commercials from NPVR recordings. Using paid MCEBuddy version 2.4 release 8 along with Comskip Donator version. When I run 30 minute shows through the profile they are done in about 30 minutes, but when shows get to one hour in length they process significantly longer. Actually I haven’t had one complete. I let one run overnight and it never finished. No errors or anything it just keeps processing. I attached a log for one that is running currently (so the log is incomplete) and has been running for a couple of hours.
A few questions, Is there something obvious I’m doing wrong? Also, how do i read the logs and single out issues or errors? I see some “Invalid” messages, but don’t know if they are meaningful or not.
thanks in advance for your help and let me know if there is other info I need to upload,
Home Town_20180621_00000100.ts-Convert to MP4-2018-06-21T14-59-36.7921721-05-00.log (580.9 KB)