Files don't enter queue automatically but do when I stop/start mcebuddy

I don’t get files going into commercial removal queue until I stop/start MCEBuddy. It used to be automatic. Last time I had this issue, I created a new subfolder and just pointed MCEBuddy to that folder and that worked, but I don’t want to have to do that many times. Please see if you can see files being locked in log. I checked Plex and it doesn’t have it locked. I used Power Toys lock utility to see if files were locked and they are not. So, not really sure why they don’t get scanned into queue.

NOTE: Don’t forget to attach your [logs & samples](
mcebuddy (files not entering queue automatically).zip (337.2 KB)
6) as appropriate

It appears duplicate folder profile was causing the issue. I removed the duplicate and it started working again. I guess it confuses the selection somehow…