I had been converting files in MCEBudddy with no problem for several months when all of a sudden my conversion task profiles vanished along with the monitoring location (etc.). Basically the entire profile disappeared for no reason. I then reprogrammed the conversion tasks and started converting again. I had converted about 20 or 30 files (with approximately 120 remaining to convert) when the profile disappeared once again. In other words, nothing would convert when started because everything I had programmed was gone. Does any one know why this could be happening?
Open your profile.conf and mcebuddy.conf and check if the profiles and tasks exist.
Possible reasons:
- File is getting corrupted (check hard disk for bad sectors)
- File is getting erased (harder to track down which program, Anti Virus? is erasing the file)
- File is getting replaced (do you have some backup tasks or something similar which is replacing your file)