V2.6.4 comskip failed

I have been using v2.5.7 successfully for years, so I thought I treat myself to an upgrade to v2.6.4, which is unfortunately nothing but trouble. For example, I cannot get comskip to work at all. I tried the built in version with built-in config. I also tried my own donator version with my previous config file. The latter configuration worked without trouble in the past. I seek some feedback on the following log, specifically the two entries that read “comskip failed”:

INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:20 --> Starting conversion
INFORMATION> --> License -> Premium
INFORMATION> --> Windows OS Version -> Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 (WIN_10_2016_SERVER, Professional)
INFORMATION> --> Windows 10+ Details -> Release ID: 2009, Display Version: 22H2, Update Build Revision: 5247
INFORMATION> --> Windows Platform -> 64 Bit
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Build Platform -> 64 Bit
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Build Version :
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Build Date : 08/13/2024 14:12:20
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:20 --> Build type -> RELEASE
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Running as Service : True
INFORMATION> --> .NET Framework Version -> 4.0, Service Pack -> 0
INFORMATION> --> Current System language is English (United States) (eng)
INFORMATION> --> Converting file -> d:\test\test.ts
INFORMATION> --> Max Concurrent Jobs -> 1
INFORMATION> --> Monitor Root Relative SubFolder Path -> d:\test
INFORMATION> --> Commercial Skip Cut (profile (CommercialSkipCut) + task) -> False
INFORMATION> --> Auto DeInterlacing (profile (AutoDeinterlace) + task) -> True
INFORMATION> --> Pre-Conversion Commercial Remover (PreConversionCommercialRemover) -> True
INFORMATION> --> Copy LOG File (CopyLogFile) -> False
INFORMATION> --> Copy PROPERTIES file (CopyPropertiesFile) -> False
INFORMATION> --> Free Space Check -> True
INFORMATION> --> Locale Language -> ENG
INFORMATION> --> Manual Add Domain Name -> 
Manual Add  User Name -> admin
Manual Add  Password -> *************
Archive Path Domain Name -> 
Archive Path User Name -> Guest
Archive Path Password -> 
Failed Path Domain Name -> 
Failed Path User Name -> Guest
Failed Path Password -> 
Wake Hour -> -1
Wake Minute -> -1
Start Hour -> -1
Start Minute -> -1
Stop Hour -> -1
Stop Minute -> -1
Days of Week -> Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday
Max Concurrent Jobs -> 1
Enable Job Logs -> True
Log Level -> 2
Log Keep Days -> 15
Use Recycle Bin -> False
Delete Manually/CLI added Original -> True
Archive Manually/CLI added Original -> False
Sync Converted -> False
Allow Sleep During Conversions -> False
Pause Conversion on Battery Power -> False
Send eMails -> False
eMail settings -> Send eMail Settings -> SMTP Server -> 
Port -> 25
SSL -> False
User Name -> 
Password -> 
From -> 
To -> 
Bcc -> 

eMail On Success -> True
eMail On Failure -> True
eMail On Cancellation -> True
eMail On Start -> True
eMail On Download Failure -> True
eMail On Queueing -> True
Custom subject for Successful conversion -> 
Custom subject for Failed conversion -> 
Custom subject for Cancelled conversion -> 
Custom subject for Start of conversion -> 
Custom subject for Download Failure -> 
Custom subject for Queueing conversion -> 
Skip eMail Body for notifications -> False

Locale -> en-US
Temp Working Path -> D:\tmp
Archive Folder -> 
Failed Folder -> 
Space Check -> True
Custom Comskip Path -> C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\utility\comskip\comskip.exe
Custom profiles.conf -> 
App Hang Timeout -> 300
Scan New Files Poll Period -> 60
Process Priority -> Normal
CPU Affinity -> 255
Engine Running -> True
Subtitle Cut Segment Incremental Offset -> 0
Minimum Segment Size (seconds) -> 4
Local Server Port -> 23332
UPnP Enabled -> False
Firewall Exception Enabled -> False

INFORMATION> --> Task -> Convert to MKV
Profile -> MKV Normal Quality
Source File -> d:\test\test.ts
Relative Source Path -> d:\test
Destination Path -> d:\test
Working Path -> D:\tmp\working0
Fallback Destination -> False
Skip ReProcessing -> False
Check Reprocessing History -> False
Auto Increment Filename -> False
Add to iTunes Library -> False
Add to WMP Library -> False
Max Width -> 1280
Quality Multipltier -> 1
FPS -> 
Auto DeInterlacing -> True
Prefer Hardware Encoding -> True
Use GPU Brands -> Any
Volume Multipltier -> 0
DRC -> True
Force Stereo -> True
Encoder Select Best Audio Track -> True
Profile Audio Language -> 
Audio Offset -> 0
Start Trim -> 0
End Trim -> 0
Closed Captions -> default
Closed Captions Offset -> 0
Save Subtitles -> True
Embed Subtitles -> False
Embed Chapters -> False
Strict Processing -> False
Commercial Removal -> Comskip
Custom Comskip INI Path -> 
Custom Comskip CLI Params -> 
Search Ad markers from chapters -> True
Task Commercial Skip Cut -> False
Keep Advertisements -> False
Download Series Details -> False
Download Banner -> True
Overwrite metata from Title -> False
Overwrite metata from Internet -> Default
Prioritize matching metadata -> Default
Force Show Type -> Default
Write Metadata -> False
Rename by Series -> False
Alt Rename by Series -> False
Custom Rename by Series -> 
Rename Only -> False
File Selection Pattern -> 
Show Selection Pattern -> 
Channel Selection Pattern -> 
Show Type Selection -> Default
Codec Type Selection -> Any
DRM Type Selection -> All
File Size Comparator -> LessThan
File Size Threshold -> 0
Video Bitrate Comparator -> LessThan
Video Bitrate Threshold (Kbps) -> 0
Video Width Comparator -> LessThan
Video Width Threshold (pixels) -> 0
Monitor Tasks Selection -> 
Insert at Top of Queue -> False
Extract XML -> False
Disable Cropping -> True
Skip Copying Original File for Backup -> False
Skip Remuxing Original File to TS -> False
Ignore Copy Protection -> False
TiVO MAK Key -> 
Destination Path Domain Name -> 
Destination Path User Name -> 
Destination Path Password -> 
Task Enabled -> True

INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Checking for disk space
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Running custom commands
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.Transcode.CustomCommand --> No custom commands found
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Getting show information and banner from Internet sources
WARNING> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.MetaData.VideoMetaData --> No recording meta data can be extracted, using Title extracted from file name. If you are running MCEBuddy on a Windows Server, this is normal as the Media Center filters are not available on that platfom.
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.MetaData.VideoMetaData --> Skipping downloading Series details
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Running custom commands
INFORMATION> --> Skipping Renaming by Series details
INFORMATION> --> Skipping Renaming by Series details
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:23 MCEBuddy.Transcode.CustomCommand --> No custom commands found
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:26 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Checking for Chapter Files
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:26 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Looking for Chapter files
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:26 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Checking for Subtitle files
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:26 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Checking for EDL, EDLP, VPRJ or DTB XML files
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:26 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Checking for Advertisement Chapter Markers
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:29 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Copying source file to working directory
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:29 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Copying source video to working directory Source:d:\test\test.ts, Target:D:\tmp\working0\test.ts
WARNING> 2024-12-24T10:58:32 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Comskip failed
INFORMATION> --> Comskip version : DONATOR
INFORMATION> --> Comskip build : STOCK
WARNING> 2024-12-24T10:58:37 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Comskip failed
INFORMATION> --> Comskip version : DONATOR
INFORMATION> --> Comskip build : STOCK
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:37 MCEBuddy.RemuxMediaCenter.RemuxMCERecording --> AllowH264CopyRemuxing/AllowH265CopyRemuxing will run fast for commercial detection, disabling AllowAV1CopyRemuxing, using stock donator version of Comskip. Codec detected -> h264
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:37 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Trimming video recording
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:37 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Analyzing video information
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:37 MCEBuddy.VideoProperties.VideoInfo --> Reading MediaInfo from D:\tmp\working0\test.ts
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:44 MCEBuddy.VideoProperties.VideoInfo --> Supplementing Media information using FFMPEG
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:47 MCEBuddy.VideoProperties.VideoInfo --> Reading Original File Media information
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:49 MCEBuddy.VideoProperties.VideoInfo --> Skipping crop information
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:49 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Advertisement scan
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:52 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Using Custom Comskip Path -> C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\utility\comskip\comskip.exe
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:52 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Scanning commercials with Comskip
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:58:53 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Process priority changed to Normal
INFORMATION> 2024-12-24T10:59:41 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Using EDL file for commercial removal
WARNING> 2024-12-24T10:59:41 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Empty EDL File

I don’t see any Comskip errors per se, just an empty EDL file (no commercials). The log messages aren’t complete.

Set the log to Debug and attach the complete log.

I think I have solved this and all is ok. I was particularly thrown off by the following warning, which led me to believe that something is amiss:

However, when I started comskip with out parameters, it throws an error message of a missing video file, and the associated errorlevel is 2 and not 0 as expected for a successful program exit. I believe that the “Comskip failed” message is a result of this but this is not an actual error. If correct, it would be good to adjust the log message to not be misleading.

Hello I’m having the same issue as OP from my mcebuddy.log

2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->  Comskip 0.82.012, made using ffmpeg
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Donator build
--> Process exited with code 2
WARNING> 2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Comskip failed
INFORMATION> --> Comskip version : DONATOR

--> Checking for donator version of Comskip
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Launching process F:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\comskip\comskip.exe
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Process arguments -h
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> UI Session Admin Process : True
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Starting process as a UISession process with Admin privileges. This requires atleast 1 user to be logged into the system (remote desktop or locally)
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Setting process priority to Normal
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> The commandline used was:
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	"F:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\comskip\comskip.exe"
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	-h
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Usage:
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   comskip  [-h|--help] [-w|--debugwindow] [-n|--playnice] [--zpcut] [--zpchapter] [--scf] [--videoredo] [--videoredo3] [--csvout] [--quality] [--plist] [-m|--demux] [--hwassist] [--cuvid] [--vdpau] [--dxva2] [--decoders] [--threads=<int>] [-p|--pid=<string>] [-t|--ts] [-d|--detectmethod=<int>] [-v|--verbose=<int>] [-u|--dump=<int>] [-s|--play] [--timing] [-q|--quiet] [--ini=<file>] [--logo=<file>] [--cut=<file>] [--output=<file>] [--output-filename=<file>] [--selftest=<int>] <file> [<file>]
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -h, --help                Display syntax
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -w, --debugwindow         Show debug window
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -n, --playnice            Slows detection down
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --zpcut                   Outputs a ZoomPlayer cutlist
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --zpchapter               Outputs a ZoomPlayer chapter file
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --scf                     Outputs a simple chapter file for mkvmerge
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --videoredo               Outputs a VideoRedo cutlist
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --videoredo3              Outputs a VideoRedo3 cutlist
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --csvout                  Outputs a csv of the frame array
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --quality                 Outputs a csv of false detection segments
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --plist                   Outputs a mac-style plist for addition to an EyeTV archive as the 'markers' property
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -m, --demux               Demux the input into elementary streams
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --hwassist                Activate Hardware Assisted video decoding
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --cuvid                   Use NVIDIA Video Decoder (CUVID), if available
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --vdpau                   Use NVIDIA Video Decode and Presentation API (VDPAU), if available
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --dxva2                   Use DXVA2 Video Decode and Presentation API (DXVA2), if available
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --decoders                List all decoders and exit
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --threads=<int>           The number of threads to use
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -p, --pid=<string>        The PID of the video in the TS
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -t, --ts                  The input file is a Transport Stream
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -d, --detectmethod=<int>  An integer sum of the detection methods to use
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -v, --verbose=<int>       Verbose level
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -u, --dump=<int>          Dump the cutscene at this frame number
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -s, --play                Play the video
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --timing                  Dump the timing into a file
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   -q, --quiet               Not output logging to the console window
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --ini=<file>              Ini file to use
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --logo=<file>             Logo file to use
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --cut=<file>              CutScene file to use
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --output=<file>           Folder to use for all output files
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --output-filename=<file>  Filename base to use for all output files
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   --selftest=<int>          Execute a selftest
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   <file>                    Input file
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->   <file>                    Output folder for cutlist
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Detection Methods
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	  1 - Black Frame
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	  2 - Logo
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	  4 - Scene Change
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	  8 - Resolution Change
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	 16 - Closed Captions
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	 32 - Aspect Ratio
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	 64 - Silence
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	128 - CutScenes
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> 	255 - USE ALL AVAILABLE
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip -->  Comskip 0.82.012, made using ffmpeg
2025-01-13T11:45:19 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Donator build
--> Process exited with code 2
WARNING> 2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Comskip failed
INFORMATION> --> Comskip version : DONATOR
INFORMATION> 2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.RemuxMediaCenter.RemuxMCERecording --> AllowH264CopyRemuxing/AllowH265CopyRemuxing will run fast for commercial detection, using donator version of Comskip
INFORMATION> 2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Remuxing recording
INFORMATION> 2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.RemuxMediaCenter.RemuxMCERecording --> Fast Remuxing
2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.RemuxMediaCenter.RemuxMCERecording --> Reading MediaInfo from F:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\comskip\E1.mp4
2025-01-13T11:45:21 MCEBuddy.RemuxMediaCenter.RemuxMCERecording --> Video FPS : 25.144

I have run comskip from within its default folder via the dos prompt at it works okay

will check output file after processing incase it is not an error

Just spotted your post about being a newer version of MCEBuddy and comskip am downloading 2.6.5 beta now give that go

i’ve updated to 2.6.5 beta and comskip is working for me now:)

2025-01-13T14:28:13 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Using F:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\comskip\comskip.ini for initiation values.
2025-01-13T14:28:13 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Enabling use_cuvid
2025-01-13T14:28:13 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Setting detection methods to 79 as per command line.
2025-01-13T14:28:13 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip --> Commercials were found.
--> Process exited with code 1
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Commercial Scan: Percentage Complete 100
INFORMATION> 2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Using EDL file for commercial removal
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> Testing EDL File Validity
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:0.010 End:18.800 Action:0
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:570.180 End:633.540 Action:0
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:1068.540 End:1116.350 Action:0
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:1843.500 End:1891.240 Action:0
2025-01-13T14:28:15 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner --> ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:2524.300 End:2570.190 Action:0
--> ConvertCutListToKeepList: Skip end segment, too small Start:3299.250 Stop:3300.001
INFORMATION> 2025-01-13T14:28:16 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Remover --> CutTS: Cutting commercials from video - segment 0
2025-01-13T14:28:16 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.FFmpeg --> Launching process F:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe
2025-01-13T14:28:16 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.FFmpeg --> Process arguments  -hide_banner -probesize 100M -analyzeduration 300M  -y -threads 0 -ss 18.8 -i "F:\working0\E1.ts" -t 551.38 -map 0:v -vcodec copy -map 0:a -acodec copy "F:\working0\E1_18_570.ts"