I was hoping there was a way to sort my series recordings into season folders without renaming or re-converting my recordings.
I use NPVR and my recordings are SHOWNAME.SxxEyy.SUBTITLE.ext.
i.e. CSI.S01E01.Best Of Times.ts (now *.mp4)
For awhile now I’ve been using MCEBuddy to convert the NPVR recordings to MP4’s without renaming them as NPVR has done a good job naming as I like.
Now I find myself with folders having 100 or more recordings plus their images & NFO files.
What, if any, would be a good recipe Conversion Task to accomplish this?
If this could be done, I would then need to do a custom command call from MCEBuddy to update the NPVR database of the new location. The NPVR program NScriptHelper does this
NScriptHelper -Rename srcFileName tgtFileName
So the command would be: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NPVR\NScriptHelper.exe -Rename G:\_TVdir\Crime Drama\CSI.S01E01.Best Of Times.mp4 G:\_TVdir\Crime Drama\CSI\Season 01\CSI.S01E01.Best Of Times.mp4"
to update NPVR of the new location of file CSI.S01E01.Best Of Times.mp4. I would need to know what the MCEBUDDY before (scrFileName) and post (tgtFileName) to pass to the code and someway of triggering it after MCEBuddy sorts the files.