Not getting metadata in Plex

I’ve been using WMC, EPG123 and MCEBuddy for years with Plex with Roku boxes for viewing for years. Somewhere around mid-April, the meta data disappeared on newly recorded video. Instead of getting the date recorded and a synopsis of the episode, I only get basically the show filename, season and episode and nothing else.

Plex was auto-updated on April 27, 2021 to version 6.7 b 24.

I’d been running MCEBuddy 2.5.5 and then upgraded to 2.5.6 on May 9th to no avail.

It appears that any recording after about April 20th does not have any media data in Plex. I’ve tried different setting to no avail. However, if I look at the processed recording, the properties show the correct season, episode, synopsis etc as being correct. I’m saving using the MP4 Normal profile if that might be a problem for the new version of Plex.

While I’m at it, I see that the new version has an option of using a different commercial skip than Comskip which I’ve been using and which works fine though I do notice the network commercials for their shows are shown and once in a while, a whole commercial break is missed. Is there an advantage to the new addon?


Can you attach your conversion log

Here is one from last week:

60 Minutes_KFMB_2021_05_09_18_56_00.wtv-Convert to MP4-2021-05-09T20-15-38.log (2.3 MB)

The logs are showing that the final MP4 contains all the media metadata. If it’s not showing on Plex then it’s likely a bug with Plex not reading it or processing it. You can use a third party tool like MP4 inspector to validate your final MP4.

We have provided an option for folks to use their own version of Comskip. If you’ve subscribed to Comskip and have access to the latest donator builds then you can use those instead of the bundled version. If what you have is working for you then you’re fine. You can check out the Comskip website for details on the new donator builds.