I have been looking for a program like this for quite awhile now, and it’s almost perfect. Maybe it’s me, but I can’t find a way to change the “Action” number on the edl files when creating the cuts with CustomCuts.
For example:
70.893 90.363 0
1278.164 1294.000 0
Where I would like it to be:
70.893 90.363 3
1278.164 1294.000 3
CustomCut automatically selects “0” as the action, whereas I would like it to be “3” for use with Kodi. I don’t know why, but Kodi jump ahead a little past my cut time with “0”, but works perfectly with “3”
Seems like it should be an easy change, but I can’t find any info on what config file I could change.
**Edit to add info:
I want to do this to remove the intros and end credits from shows. We just play them in the background a lot and that theme music gets annoying after 30 years of Simpsons episodes. All the commercials are already removed since they are DVD rips. And Commskip doesn’t pick that up at all.
Thanks for any help!!