If Custom File Rename dose not find a webmatch then save to another path

In my quest to fully automate my TV show conversion process, I am trying to get the Custom File Renaming set up.
It works great when MCE can find the TVDB match using the Metadata Correction feature. It adds the appropriate metadata and puts it exactly where I want it. The problem is when it does not match and then reverts to using the file metadata or filename and renames the show incorrectly. This is often due to odd input file names or new shows that I did not account for.
I thought it would be great that whenever it did not find the show information on the WEB, you could have it saved somewhere else or use a different file naming pattern. This way, I could better trust when things work and then only have to monitor the unmatched files and rename them manually (or with Filebot as I am doing now).