Google complains about outdated security when using their SMTP server


When using the Google SMTP server to send notification emails from MCEBuddy, Google blocks the email stating that the sender (in this case MCEBuddy) is using outdated security/sign-in protocols.

The only way I’m able to get it to work is by turning on a Google feature which allows less secure apps to access my account. I would prefer not to do this if at all possible. Can MCEBuddy be updated with the latest security standards?


There is no “new” standard for SMTP. MCEBuddy is using the latest standard. What you need to do is generate an App Token and use that token in place of your password. This way you are able to use custom apps for GMail (or any other service) without enabling the less secure option.

See this post for details:

Thanks again RBoy! I was able to get this working, but first I had to enable Google’s 2-step authentication before I could generate the app password.