Getting error when MCE Buddy tries to scan Plex folders. Not a valid Win32 FileTime

I have MCE Buddy installed and I can browse to recorded files and run comskip just fine. But for it to automatically scan new episodes I receive errors in the log. I have googled the error “Not a valid Win32 FileTime” with no success

2019-05-21T16:56:05 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> MCEBuddy engine started. Setting engine last running state to start.
ERROR> 2019-05-21T16:56:06 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Unable to search for files in location D:\OTA for monitor task Plex
ERROR : Not a valid Win32 FileTime.
Parameter name: fileTime
ERROR> 2019-05-21T16:56:31 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Unable to search for files in location D:\OTA for monitor task Plex
ERROR : Not a valid Win32 FileTime.
Parameter name: fileTime
INFORMATION> 2019-05-21T16:56:33 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> MCEBuddy engine stopped
INFORMATION> 2019-05-21T16:56:34 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Setting engine last running state to stop
2019-05-21T16:56:34 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Loaded MCEBuddy engine settings
INFORMATION> --> Windows OS Version -> Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0 (WIN_10_2016_SERVER, Professional)
INFORMATION> --> Windows Platform -> 64 Bit
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Build Platform -> 64 Bit
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Build Version :
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Build Date : 05/21/2019 17:16:56
INFORMATION> --> MCEBuddy Running as Service : True
–> Locale Language -> ENG
2019-05-21T16:56:34 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> MCEBuddy engine settings -> CONVERSION TASK OPTIONS ==>
Task -> Plex tv
Profile -> MKV Normal Quality

Thank you!

That’s a windows fileystem error. Try to check your date/time on the folder and the files in that folder in Windows Explorer. The folder or one of the files date probably be invalid or missing. It means that the filesystem or the file is corrupted and windows is unable to read it’s timestamps either because it’s too large or it’s missing/corrupted.

Things to try:

  1. Delete the file and recopy it
  2. Run a filesystem repair/check, (e.g. chkdsk c: /r
  3. Rename the file
  4. Move it to a different disk/filesystem
  5. Check your windows time if it’s correct