After you drag your files over, take a look at the last entries in the mcebuddy.log to see if that helps narrow it down. Attach it to this thread if nothing stands out at the issue for us to take a look.
Do you have the Logging level set to debug under settings\general settings\system settings?
The last error is due to too long of a path to the file. You may want to try and shorten folder names but I would think if that was the issue for all the drags then it would display the same error.
Here is the part of the mcebuddy.log that references the Manual/CL processing.
2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Manually added file, resetting the skip reprocessing option, the file will converted even if it has been processed before
INFORMATION> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Manual file : Added new job to queue using conversion task -> convert tv >500 to HEVC for \\\Media\tv\L-Z\See No Evil\See No Evil - S09E09 - Rideshare Nightmare.mkv
WARNING> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Skipping Conversion task remux movies <2gb for file \\\Media\tv\L-Z\See No Evil\See No Evil - S09E09 - Rideshare Nightmare.mkv since Manually/CLI added files does not match the list of monitor tasks in the conversion task.
WARNING> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Skipping Conversion task convert movies >2gb for file \\\Media\tv\L-Z\See No Evil\See No Evil - S09E09 - Rideshare Nightmare.mkv since Manually/CLI added files does not match the list of monitor tasks in the conversion task.
2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Starting Conversion Thread
INFORMATION> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Job for \\\Media\tv\L-Z\See No Evil\See No Evil - S09E09 - Rideshare Nightmare.mkv started using conversion task -> convert tv >500 to HEVC and profile -> HEVC MP4
2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Temp working path is C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\working0
2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Starting Conversion Thread
INFORMATION> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Job for \\\Media\tv\L-Z\Mike (2022)\Mike (2022) - S01E05 - Desiree.mkv started using conversion task -> convert tv >500 to HEVC and profile -> HEVC MP4
2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Temp working path is C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\working1
2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.Core --> Starting new conversions, preventing system sleep
INFORMATION> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Creating log file : C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\log\See No Evil - S09E09 - Rideshare Nightmare.mkv-convert tv 500 to HEVC-2022-09-14T11-05-56.log
INFORMATION> 2022-09-14T11:05:56 MCEBuddy.Engine.ConversionJob --> Creating log file : C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\log\Mike (2022) - S01E05 - Desiree.mkv-convert tv 500 to HEVC-2022-09-14T11-05-56.log
This would seem to indicate that it processed the files that you dragged over. I’m not sure if the issue is that the GUI isn’t displaying that it’s not processing the files properly or what. You can test this out by dragging the files over and looking in the logs directory to see if a video filename and conversion task name log file is created, like the ones you attached. If the log files are being created, then the conversion is processing.
Will probably have to have @Goose take a look to see if anything stands out.
As @SystemIdleProcess mentioned the reason the monitor task isn’t processing your file is that the filter you’ve set doesn’t match the filename.
WARNING> 2022-09-14T11:07:16 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager → File The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King (2003).mp4 did not match wildcard .mkv;.avi for monitor task movies