Comskip not detecting commercials

Your logs show that it found the commercials and removed them:

2019-02-24T08:36:20 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip → Commercials were found.
→ Process exited with code 1
2019-02-24T08:36:23 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Commercial Scan: Percentage Complete 98
INFORMATION> 2019-02-24T08:36:23 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Skipping EDLP, using EDL file for commercial removal
2019-02-24T08:36:23 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Testing EDL File Validity
2019-02-24T08:36:23 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:511.230 End:541.870 Action:0
→ ConvertCutListToKeepList: Keep segment Start:0.000 Stop:511.230
→ ConvertCutListToKeepList: Keep end segment Start:541.870 Stop:933.217
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Skip segment, too small Start:0.000 Stop:0.000
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Cut segment Start:511.230 Stop:541.870
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Skip end segment, too small Start:933.217 Stop:933.217
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList Done

Comskip only found one commercial which was cut by MCEBuddy.

If you think Comskip is not being aggressive enough to find commercials you can use the Comskip INI tool included to tune it to be more aggressive or use one of the ready made Comskip INI files described here: