Amazon Purchase Entitle Me To Premium Access Program Access?

I just purchased MCEBuddy via Amazon for $30 via this listing…

Amazon was preferable to me as I try to avoid Paypal if possible.

Can I assume purchasing via Amazon is basically Premium Access Program access as well? If so, what do I need to do to get the username and password mentioned regarding the Premium Access Program?


Amazon purchaes don’t give you direct access to the MCEBuddy server (like the Premium Access Program), just the premium final release builds which will be uploaded to Amazon and you can login to your Amazon account and download the updates. The only difference being the Premium Access program gives you access to the BETA builds and older builds.

Thanks for the quick reply. Maybe I was just in a hurry in my research but I don’t recall seeing anything anywhere on the main page calling out the difference or even the availability on Amazon. Not a huge deal as I’m fine with just having access to the final builds of new version. The Amazon version is a lifetime Premium final builds license though, correct?