Plex PostProcessing Script No Longer Working

I have been using a postprocessing script in Windows for some time now but it recently started throwing the following error…

WARNING> 2017-08-23T17:19:07 MCEBuddy.Engine.QueueManager --> Manually selected file G:\Recorded TV\PlexMovies.grab\dd10eec1367a3c10c9b2f77affc62f3cbe2ed5b4\SomeMovieName.ts does not exist or MCEBuddy doesn’t have read permissions, skipping

Note: Drive G is local.

I can’t tell if Plex is moving the .TS file out of the .grab folder before MCEBuddy can get to it (option 1: does not exist) or if MCEBuddy cannot access it and the script terminates leaving the untouched .TS file for Plex to organize as usual (option 2: script is being run with inadequate permissions).

Does Plex use a specific windows user to run the PostProcessing script? When i double click the bat file it works fine and will echo out to a txt file for me. When Plex runs it, the only evidence it runs at all is the above error from MCEBuddy.

Any help is appreciated.

If a bat file works try this. Start MCEBuddy as command line engine from the start menu. This runs in User context instead of system context. It if you have permissions to access the file then MCEBuddy will also have it. If it runs fine then it’s a permissions issue otherwise the file is being moved before MCEBuddy can grab it.

One more possibility is that the file is being locked by Plex. You should try setting the delay parameter in the Monitor Task expert settings to say one minute. That means MCEBuddy will wait for one minute after the last time the files was changed before trying to process it. This may help if Plex is writing to the file as MCEBuddy is trying to grab it.

@RBoy, Thanks for your reply and suggestion. As it turns out, Plex started playing nice with the post processing script a couple of weeks later, after a Plex server update. Must have been something on their end.