TVE feeds like CNN Go, MSG Go, Etc

Has anyone had any luck configuring comskip to remove screens of the “Go” Variety that are displayed instead of actual commercials for an extended period of time? Attaching a screenshot of one example from CNN Go. IOeyenJc

When I was using TVE I tried for several hours to setup a profile that would detected and was unsuccessful. That said I’m not very good at working with profiles. :upside_down_face:

thanks Robert. It’s crazy I tried all the settings and had no luck.

I ended up cutting the recording with mkvtoolnix and removing the commercials manually. then rejoining to one single file

Have you tried using Custom Cuts included with MCEBuddy, guessing it would be an easier way to mark the cuts and send it to MCEBuddy to process them.

I did not - can you link documentation? I searched and did not come across anything unfortunately (I know I know, my issue)

If you click on your windows Start Menu and under MCEBuddy you’ll find MCEBuddy 2.x Custom Cuts, its’ a separate app used to mark commercial cuts and then send the file to MCEBuddy for processing.

@Goose I thought I had replied earlier - thanks for this. I went straight to the file structure rather than the start menu. thanks!