Painfully slow commercial removal

Let me start by saying I can follow instructions well when they are step by and exactly what I see so with that I have read and tried to understand how to speed up comskip but I’m missing something or just not understanding.

Bear with me if I do not provide everything needed on first post but here is what I know:

Using plex with a dedicated laptop running windows 7 i5 processor M 460 @2.53ghz
Using HD Homerun Extend
Downloaded the donator version MCEbuddy and donator version of comskip (today, most recent version that arent beta)
My tv shows record onto a folder on an external hd

So I downloaded and installed mcebuddy and comskip according to intructions provided. Set it to retrieve from recorded file, left destination address blank to put back in same folder with archive of orignal to go to archive folder. I also added the comskip.exe file in the settings of mcebuddy as well.

I have tried converting to mp4 highest quality which took 8 hours yesterday, switched to mp4 normal taking 4 hours, tried mkv normal for 3 hours, and currently trying mp4 fast which is about 1 hour. This is working on a 30 min tv show. Before I purchased I watched a video and it sounded like these should process much faster than what I am getting. I have read many forum topics about various things I though might speed it up but I don’t always understand what they’re saying for me to try.

Is there anyone that can dumb down a potential solution for me?


Attach your conversion log. It will show what’s going on. At the end of the log there is also a summary table showing how much time was spend doing what.