It looks like Comskip did find commercials but just one.
2020-07-09T19:02:31 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip → Commercials were found.
→ Process exited with code 1
2020-07-09T19:02:34 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Commercial Scan: Percentage Complete 99
INFORMATION> 2020-07-09T19:02:34 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Skipping EDLP, using EDL file for commercial removal
2020-07-09T19:02:34 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Testing EDL File Validity
2020-07-09T19:02:34 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:0.000 End:221.650 Action:0
→ ConvertCutListToKeepList: Skip initial segment, too small Start:0.000 Stop:0.000
→ ConvertCutListToKeepList: Keep end segment Start:221.650 Stop:1876.023
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Cut segment Start:0.000 Stop:221.650
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Skip end segment, too small Start:1876.023 Stop:1876.023
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList Done
If it didn’t catch all commercial you’ll have make Comskip more aggressive (too aggressive and it may end up cutting your show). You can find the instructions for tuning your Comskip here. There’s a nice GUI included which explains the settings for each Comskip parameter. I would start by adjusting the comskip detection methods and make the more aggressive and then move onto other parameters: Tuning Comskip and Custom Comskip INI's (Country / Channel specific)
Alternatively you could try one of the other custom INI’s created by community members and see if any of those work for your channel/region/show