Been acting up, Video freezes at start of some NBC programs stays frozen, audio plays fine after conversion using comskip. Used to happen on 1 show,now happening more frequently. MCEBuddy 2.4 release 10 using Windows 7 home premium. Using this configuration about 2 years. Antenna, Windows Medis Center.
Law & Order_WCAUDT_2022_03_03_19_59_00.wtv-Convert to MP4-2022-03-04T08-00-00.8460245-05-00.log (1.4 MB)
0 years.
Law & Order- Special Victims Unit_WCAUDT_2022_03_03_20_59_00.wtv-Convert to MP4-2022-03-04T09-08-10.3991683-05-00.log (1.5 MB)
I’ve had this problem for a long time and I’ve asked got some replies read the forum but never could get this fixed myself.
Search for messages from goose his replies may help you even though I didn’t understand them.
I found out the answer. It only does it on roku devices. when I tried with android tv and windows 7 computer, it worked fine.