Is it possible to sort Archive Folder by show and season

Basically as the title states I was wondering if when a file is archived if it can be sorted by Show and Season like the converted file is. For my use case I basically compress tv shows and use the compressed version for when I am traveling and need to store files on smartphones or stream through crappy hotel wifi. The original uncompressed versions I use for home streaming. As it is setup now I can only tell MCEbuddy to place the original version in a specific folder and it will not sort by show/season. So periodically I have to manually go in and sort all the files and put them in their respective Show and Season folders. I was wondering if there would be anyway to automate that last part.

Create a new monitor location to monitor that folder and create a conversion task which links to that monitor location that only renames the files and sorts them.

“only renames the files and sorts them”

So I am guessing the conversion task I should use is .mp4 uncompressed?

Doesn’t matter what profile you pick, you need to check the Rename only option and it will bypass the conversion

So create a task for every single show? That is not very automatic.

Actually i only needed to point it to monitor a single folder location it reads the file naming structure creates folders for each show and subfolders for seasons automatically. If the folders already exist it just drops the file in where it needs to go