Starting getting this error a couple of weeks ago. I’ve rebooted several times, etc. But still get this same error
2018-08-26T19:25:30 MCEBuddy.MetaData.VideoMetaData → Checking for metadata title and series correction
INFORMATION> 2018-08-26T19:25:30 MCEBuddy.MetaData.VideoMetaData → Downloading Series details
2018-08-26T19:25:30 MCEBuddy.MetaData.VideoMetaData → Meta correction results, dont’ overwrite title → False
INFORMATION> 2018-08-26T19:25:30 MCEBuddy.MetaData.VideoMetaData → Force downloading metadatata from OMDB for IMDB ID → XXXXXXXXXX WARNING> → Error retrieving IMDB episode details Error → System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
_ at MCEBuddy.MetaData.IMDB.downloadIMDBDetails(String imdbId, Log jobLog)_ WARNING> → Unable to bootstrap from IMDB
So tonight I updated from 2.4.7 (2/21/17 build) to the latest beta 2.4.9 (8/11/18 build) Same error. I don’t recall making any changes to the config files. Any suggestions on where to start?
Guessing that is what the torrent file contained. The other 2 logs did contain files that had nothing in the file. All 3 had the IMDB name in the file name. I thought that always took precedence over any other data.
I figured something had changed with IMDB recently since the MCEBuddy version I had been running was over a year old. I was just surprised to find that no one else had reported it. Or I just didn’t’ search very well.
I think the EVA in the file was a fluke, since that was the only file in the past 10 or so that converted like that. The others just didn’t being down the Meta data and set the mp4 file as a TV show vs Movie. But the name was parsed correctly.
I assume this is a new issue then and I’ll keep looking for a fix in a up coming build
Very rarely over the years has MCEBuddy failed me, that is why I pay year after year for it Thank you for the good work