Endless re-conversions if destination directory name ends with a period


I use MceBuddy to rename and move .wtv recordings for Plex. The task moves the show in to a file folder with the show name and renames the file to add show name, season, and episode. Most of the time this works fine, except with show names that have a period in them, for example Magnum P.I. & S.W.A.T.

When the show name has a period, the operation is completed and then the renamed show is processed again, repeatedly. I end up with the show, within nested folders. For example: \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV\S.W.A.T\S.W.A.T\S.W.A.T\S.W.A.T\S.W.A.T\S.W.A.T. - S05E05_2021_11_05.wtv.

To stop this, I only allow MceBuddy to run during certain hours and then the next day I need to manually move the file to the top level folder and delete the remaining blank folders. This seems to stop the process.

Looking through the logs, I see errors about not being able to access the multi-folder show names, but was wondering if that was because they are still being processed?

I have attached some logs to illustrate and would appreciate any assistance in getting to the root cause.

Thank you.
mcebuddy.zip (57.0 KB)

Thanks for reporting this and providing the logs. We were able to replicate the issue. It looks like you ran into a unique condition where windows doesn’t allow directory names to end with .
So with Magnum P.I., when your destination sub directory name ended with a ., MCEBuddy recorded it with the ., where as Windows would create a subdirectory without the last . and this caused a mismatch between the saved history and actual paths causing the infinite conversion loop you experienced.

We’ve fixed this behavior in today’s 2.5.7 BETA build

Thanks a lot for getting back to me. I don’t normally install beta versions, but I will install this one tomorrow.

I updated to Beta Build 2.5.7 and both S.W.A.T. and Magnum P.I. recorded last night. Based on the task completing email I received this morning, S.W.A.T. appears ok, however, Magnum P.I. converted a second time.

Here is the emailed report:
Conversion #1
Source Video → \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV2\Magnum P.I._WCBSDT (WCBS-DT)_2021_11_12_20_55_00.wtv
Converted Video → \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV2\Magnum P.I\Magnum P.I. - S04E06_2021_11_12.wtv
Profile → WTV Unprocessed
Conversion Task → Move WTV Recorded TV
Converted At → 2021-11-13T01:23:25
Time taken to convert (hh:mm) → 00:18

Conversion #2
Source Video → \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV2\Magnum P.I\Magnum P.I. - S04E06_2021_11_12.wtv
Converted Video → \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV2\Magnum P.I\Magnum P.I\Magnum P.I. - S04E06_2021_11_12.wtv
Profile → WTV Unprocessed
Conversion Task → Move WTV Recorded TV
Converted At → 2021-11-13T02:46:21
Time taken to convert (hh:mm) → 00:17

I am away for a day or two, so I don’t have access to the logs. Let me know if you require them and I will upload when I return.

Thanks for all of your assistance.

I will need all 3 logs, MCEBuddy + 2 conversions to see what’s going on

mcebuddy.zip (98.4 KB)

Here are the logs.

A post was split to a new topic: Converting converted files

They are two different files completely from two different folders

Job for \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV3\The Blacklist_WNBCDT (WNBC-DT)_2021_11_11_19_57_00.wtv converted successfully to \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV3\The Blacklist\The Blacklist - S09E04_2021_11_11.wtv using Conversion Task Move WTV Recorded TV and Profile WTV Unprocessed


Job for \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV2\The Blacklist\The Blacklist - S09E05_2021_11_18.wtv converted successfully to \MEDIACENTER\Recorded TV2\The Blacklist\The Blacklist\The Blacklist - S09E05_2021_11_18.wtv using Conversion Task Move WTV Recorded TV and Profile WTV Unprocessed

This issue has been resolved. If you have another issue please open a new ticket with the appropriate logs attached