It would be much easier if there was a checkbox next to each Conversion Task.
So the user can have multiple conversion tasks already preset and ready to go, and able to select/de-select which one/s will be active.
I will often have files that I want to covert with one group of settings, then another set of files for another. I either have to load them all up and then delete each one that’s scheduled for the wrong task or set up each batch separately and create new tasks each time. Either way it is very tedious and looks like it would be a simple feature to add.
Example: I download shows from Discovery that plugs in commercials of various aspect ratios. This causes it sorts of issues during playback. I have yet to become versed enough in comskip to work reliably and accurately, so I use it to cut out just the commercials that have a different aspect ratio. I then use VideoReDo to manually confirm the commercials and remove them.
But, I also rip some shows from Hulu through PlayOn. With that, I use a different comskip.ini as I do with Discovery to cut the commercials, and I also cut the first and last few seconds out with MCEBuddy to remove PlayOn’s forced warnings.
And there is everything else, where I just remux into HEVC.
It would be great to have all three conversion tasks available with the ease of a click.