Unable to uninstall MCEBuddy

Request Type:
BUG - install of 64 beta crashed and cannot uninstall

Windows 10 PC 64bit Gateway desktop
java installed and updated
the MCEBuddy 64bit Beta program did not fully install - no log file

Unable to remove it from my PC

This was on a new install of Windows 10 OS should have been no conflicts

I cannot install the stable version over the beta version and there is no way to delete the old partially installed beta version. When I try to install the stable version I get the “Another version …use the Add/remove Program on the Control panel.”

I get the following error message on a control panel uninstall:

Error 1001. Exception occurred while initializing the installation
System .IO FileNotFoundException Could not load file or assembly file:///C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\MCEBuddy.Service.exe’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Then it shows the program still installed.

I’m dead in the water until I can figure a way to delete the 64bit beta version of the program


That’s an issue with the Windows installer, it’s likely corrupted or left behind some artifacts which is preventing the windows installer from reinstalling it.

See the instruction on how do do a “Clean install” of MCEBuddy to fix the windows installer issues: