What ad-skip are you using with MCEBuddy? I am using comskip. ShowAnalyzer is no longer maintained, and is forever frozen around 2010 (over a decade ago), which was the deal-breaker for me. If SA works for you, then great. It also seems that the only place SA is available is through MCEBuddy. Kudos to @Goose for salvaging the lastest (legally free-to-distribute) version before the author (Jere Jones at defunct DragonGlobal.biz, last seen 2013 on Stack Exchange) disappeared and SA was orphaned circa 2010.
Here is the forum discussion on this question with pros and cons for each:
POLL. Which is better Comskip and Showanalyzer
Here is one person’s SA settings (used with SageTV (now defunct) and he switched to Comskip in 2013):
I’m in the US recording OTA and haven’t bothered to mess with the default comskip settings and the results are “good enough” as-is for me.