Moving converted file double destination folders (A\B\File.ext becomes A\B\A\B\File.newext)

Request Type:

MCEBuddy Version and Type (32bit or 64bit): 2.4.9 x64 STABLE

Operating System and Type (32bit or 64bit): Windows10 1809

Summary of the problem or suggestion: Destination folder is doubled so …\A\B\File.ext becomes …\A\B\A\B\File.newext. All folders are located on a network share accessed by \SERVER\SHARE\RecordedTV…

Steps to replicate the bug: Just don’t specify destination folder in MCEBuddy GUI. Version 2.4.8 was working as expected.


See provided files on MCEbuddy’s FTP server

It appears to be working as expected.

Since your destination folder is blank it sets the root destination folder as your source folder (which already contains the series folder and a season folder)

Then you’ve checked the option for rename and sort by series, so it creates a folder structure starting with the series, then season and then the file and places it in the destination root folder.

You can rest your mouse on each option to see what it does (pop up help)

Thank you Goose, you were right all the way ! It’s all working perfectly now.

Since I may not be the only newbie to fall in the trap, Could I suggest that this option is not checked by default when creating a new conversion task? Actually two are: “Rename and sort by video information” and “Organize by seasons”.

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A lot of folks tend to use the product with Plex and similar software which like having the files organized in this structure so that option was made default a few years ago. However most recording software don’t organize by season.

Can you share your setup?

Hi Goose,

I have Plex setup in a Jail on FreeNAS 11.2 (RC2). Plex records TV from a SiliconDust HDHomeRun (2 channels) and store it directly on a FreeNAS shared folder.

Since all TV recording are in “*.ts” format, I use MCEBuddy to save storage space once converted to MP4 (Standard profile)

That’s it !

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Starting 2.4.10 the rename box is not checked by default for a new conversion task.

Thank you!

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