Future AV1 support since RTX 40 series support

MCEBuddy Version: Future Versions

Operating System: Windows

Summary of the suggestion:

I am wondering if there are any plans for AV1 codec support for future releases. AV1 is supposed to be the future and the latest 40 series RTX cards support AV1 encoding now. I figure it is only a matter of time for many software developers to add it as conversion option. I am going to try and do some scripting to start using it with mcebuddy doing only commercial removal and renaming. I find FFMPEG works much better with NVidia cards, so going to see what I can do with it.

I would like to AV1 encoding added as well. I’d also include to support AV1 on Intel Arc cards.

Use the vote button the top of the post to help us prioritize. This is definitely on our roadmap

There may be ways to get transcoding to AV1 by doing some technical work, but if you’re into it, the basic outline is to manually replace the Handbrake and FFMPEG tools built into MCEBuddy and the conversion profiles defined in the file “C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\config\profles.conf”. If you’re not a technical person comfortable with trying to do that, then I’d recommend doing as Goose suggested - upvote and wait for it to get developed in a future version of MCEBuddy.

After replacing Handbrake and/or FFMPEG, you can define a new AV1 profile by setting the options to pass to the new versions of Handbrake and FFMPEG you replace. Then you would just pick your new custom profile in your conversion task setups.

As an example, this is what the built-in profile for “HEVC MKV” looks like in my profiles.conf file. Obviously the specific options for a new profile you define for “[AV1 MKV]” (for example) would be different, but it shows how you can pass the specific options to the new Handbrake or FFMPEG to use the new AV1 codecs. Specifically, FFMPEG’s “-vcodec” option and Handbrake’s “-e” option.

Description=HEVC in MKV (H.265/AC3) conversion. Creates a smaller file (50% smaller than H.264) with comparable quality but very slow.
ffmpeg-general=-threads 0
ffmpeg-video=-ss 0 -tag:v hvc1 -vf yadif=0:-1:1,hqdn3d -vcodec libx265 -preset medium -crf 26 -map 0:v -sn
ffmpeg-audio=-acodec ac3 -ab 160k -map 0:a
ffmpeg-audioac3=-acodec ac3 -ab 256k -map 0:a
handbrake-general=--decomb --loose-anamorphic --verbose=2
handbrake-video=--start-at duration:0 -e x265 --encoder-preset medium -q 26
handbrake-audio=-E ffac3 -R auto -B 160 -D 0 -a 1,2,3,4,5
handbrake-audioac3=-E ffac3 -R auto -B 256 -D 0 -a 1,2,3,4,5

Try out today’s 2.6.2 beta build

  • Support for AV1 hardware encoding and hardware decoding
  • Automatic AV1 optimizations based on graphic card capabiilties
  • AV1 codec filtering for metadata management
  • Updated libraries
  • Support for ffmpeg 6.1 and handbrake 1.7.0
  • Support for all intel quicksync hardware (Sandy Bridge → Arc) via custom builds
  • Support for AV1 with Nvidia nvenc, Intel quicksync and amd amf/vce
  • New AV1 profiles
  • Note: HEVC profiles have been renamed
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It should be noted that Nvidia AV1 encode support is only available in the new RTX 40 series cards.

Intel supports AV1 encoding on their ARC cards.

AMD does not currently have AV1 encoding on their GPUs. It is expected to be in the next generation of GPUs (RDNA Navi 3).

AV1 GPU decode is a available on the Nvidia 30 and 40 series cards, the AMD RDNA Navi 2 cards (except the 6500XT), and Intel Xe and ARC GPUs.

Source: What Is The AV1 Codec, Which Graphics Cards Support It And Why It Matters | HotHardware

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AV1 encoding will also be supported on the upcoming Intel 1st Gen Core Ultra Mobile processors (Meteor Lake)

Intel 11th Gen Core (Tiger Lake, Rocket Lake), 12th Gen Core (Alder Lake) and 13th/14th Gen (Raptor lake) also support AV1 decoding

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