Documentation update for uninstalling

OK, this really isn’t a bug but it is an error that needs to be corrected in the documentation.

In this article:

MCEBuddy - Common Install, Uninstall and Start Up Issues

Under this heading:

The uninstaller is not working. How do I do a force uninstall MCEBuddy?

*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Assemblies* (delete keys)

This key needs to be corrected. It looks like it was correct at one time, but under the newest version of Windows it is under


It isn’t under Classes anymore. \Installer\Assemblies is directly under software.

I had to do a search to get rid of all of the entries.

The thing that really MIGHT be a bug is that I didn’t have an uninstaller for the trial version. That is how I ended up here in the first place. I was redirected to the Video Help forum from this site to download the trial.

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Thanks for the report, it’s been fixed.