1st 5-8 seconds screen frozen after mcebuddy converts

when I convert a file using mcebuddy 2.5.6 (or earlier) the 1st 5-8 seconds is always frozen but the audio plays fine during this time. I’ve read some things about this from some others but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is they do to resolve their issues. I really need some help figuring this out. So the way i have my mcebuddy setup is as follows:

Ad Remover None
–Advanced settings
Show type All
Audio and Video max width 1920
Detect and optimize video quality checked
Volume default
Select best soundtrack checked
Multichannel audio checked
Audio language English
–Expert Settings
Media Information Management
Download information checked
Force show type Default
Add information checked
DRM all
Codec ANY
Hardware acceleration GPU Intel
Temp folder D:\temp

I have tried these same settings with MP4 High Quality, Normal & Fast all give the same results.
I cannot figure out why the first 5-8 seconds of the video are always frozen but the audio is fine.

Can anyone tell me what exactly i need to do to fix this problem ? Thank you.

It’s a little odd not one single person helped with this problem. Thanks for reading anyway.

I have this issue as well. I believe in my case that it is related to the audio codec in the video as I do not experience the issue with all videos.

Are you recording the video yourself, or are you getting the videos from a 3rd party?

For me i record the video myself AND get some video’s from 3rd party. Doesn’t matter though.

Try disabling hardware acceleration and if you’re trimming the video, try setting it to 0.