Mike, I agree. So much noise. Another thing that gets me is when the local station pops in a local commercial over a network commercial and it’s out a sync and a few seconds of the old commercial is left. That split moment of black between the local commercial and the network commercial sometimes tricks comskip. I have one station that does this all the time. It’s so bad I called them. That did not go over good. I have a profile for that station that just marks the commercials and then I edit through MCEBuddy cuts and process.
Also, these old show closing segments and new show opening segments get me every time. I couldn’t get a comskip INI to work. That’s when I first tried Showanalyzer which ignores these and do a pretty good job. I determined what shows do this and made a profile just for them to run on SA while I keep tinkering with Comskip. I have a ts sample at this thread. MCEBuddy thread: Prevent dual episode screen endings in Comskip from being seen as a commercial