Request Type: BUG
MCEBuddy Version and Type (32bit or 64bit): 2.4.7 64bit
Operating System and Type (32bit or 64bit): Windows Server 2016 Standard
Summary of the problem or suggestion:
I use MCEBuddy in conjunction with TabloRipper. Certain shows like NBC Nightly News are correctly named for accurate Plex parsing by TabloRipper, but then their name is mangled by MCEBuddy.
As an example, here is the file name before processing by MCEBuddy:
NBC Nightly News - s2017e1002 - 2017-10-02 183000.mp4
And after MCEBuddy processing:
NBC Nightly News - SE00 -.mp4
In addition to the file name being mangled, the folder hierarchy is also affected. TabloRipper places the file in a folder structure named appropriately based on the original file name it created:
\TV Shows\NBC Nightly News\Season 2017
Whereas the final processed file created by MCEBuddy is placed in either a “Season” folder with no suffix:
\TV Shows\NBC Nightly News\Season
Or a folder with the name of the show, date, and time as part of the folder name:
\TV Shows\NBC Nightly News - S00E00 - 2017-10-02 183000
The following is the body of an e-mail alert sent by MCEBuddy during processing:
Source Video → D:\TabloRipper-MCEBuddy\Working\TV Shows\NBC Nightly News\Season 2017\NBC Nightly News - s2017e1002 - 2017-10-02 183000.mp4 Failed At → 2017-10-02T19:20:15
Title: NBC Nightly News
Description: 2017-10-02 18:30:00
Network Affiliate:
Parental Rating:
Media Credits:
Season: 0
Episode: 0
Banner: C:\Program Files\MCEBuddy2x\cache\NBC Nightly News.jpg Banner URL:
MovieDB Id:
Is Show Movie: False
Is Show Sports: False
OriginalBroadcastDateTime: 2017-10-02T18:30:00
RecordedDateTime: 1899-12-31T19:00:00
SeriesPremiereDate: 1899-12-31T19:00:00
CopyProtected: False
SageTV FileID:
SageTV MediaFileID:
Steps to replicate the bug:
I suppose you could just try creating a file with the same name I’ve used as an example above and then have MCEBuddy process it and witness the result yourself.
Screenshots: N/A