Unable to reinstall, windows installer unresponsive

I uninstalled version 2.6.2 using the settings module in Windows for apps. It uninstalled completely and removed it completely from the Programs folder. I even went as far as to use the command prompt for stop and delete as referenced in the “Install, Uninstall and Start Up Issues” post. In the past, this has always worked for me so I continued trying to install the new version v.2.6.3 and nothing happened. When I say nothing happened, I got the spiraling installer icon briefly, and then it disappears and nothing happens. I waited a half hour and nothing. Tried downloading it again thinking perhaps Windows defender blocked it but that wasn’t the case. Also, my browser is set to allow content from the website so that wasn’t the issue. Came to this page and went through each of the steps starting from the top and going through them all and still, nothing happens when I try to install. Checked Windows Defender to see if somehow it’s blocking the installer but it’s not. I know Windows Installer is working because I installed other software over the weekend, and it installed without any issue. Please help me resolve what’s going on as my recordings are backing up in my hard drive.

Unfortunately it’s a windows issue. Assuming you’re tried to reboot your computer, try a different computer. Something may have corrupted with your windows installer registry. You could try to debug the windows installer by looking at the windows installer logs to see what’s going on. You could also open windows event viewer to see what errors may be logged on there from windows installer.