HD HomeRun Recordings

According to the logs it did find the commercials:

2019-07-14T19:28:18 MCEBuddy.AppWrapper.Comskip → Commercials were found.
→ Process exited with code 1
2019-07-14T19:28:21 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Commercial Scan: Percentage Complete 97
INFORMATION> 2019-07-14T19:28:21 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Skipping EDLP, using EDL file for commercial removal
2019-07-14T19:28:21 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → Testing EDL File Validity
2019-07-14T19:28:21 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Scanner → ParseEDL: Cut Segment Start:49.400 End:79.200 Action:0
→ ConvertCutListToKeepList: Keep segment Start:0.000 Stop:49.400
→ ConvertCutListToKeepList: Keep end segment Start:79.200 Stop:1860.565
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Skip segment, too small Start:0.000 Stop:0.000
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Cut segment Start:49.400 Stop:79.200
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList: Skip end segment, too small Start:1860.565 Stop:1860.565
→ ConvertKeepListToCutList Done

And it cut them:

2019-07-14T19:28:32 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Remover → CutTS : Merged Segements size [KB] 430,399.00
2019-07-14T19:28:32 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Remover → CutTS : Total Expected Segements size [KB] 430,399.00
2019-07-14T19:28:32 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Remover → CutTS trying to replace file Output : D:\Temp\working0\Storage Hunters S01E02 20110621 [20190714-1110].ts Temp : D:\Temp\working0\Storage Hunters S01E02 20110621 [20190714-1110]_0_0.ts
2019-07-14T19:28:32 MCEBuddy.CommercialScan.Remover → Commercial Remove: After removal file size [KB] 430,399.00

I’m guessing Comskip probably didn’t get all your commercials. Have you seen the Comskip INI tuning page? You may need to get custom comskip INI files for your channels/country if the stock INI files doesn’t work perfectly.